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Join 50,000+ Lawyers Using LawPay
All the Features You Need in One Platform
Online payments
Accept credit, debit, and eCheck payments online. ABA & IOLTA compliant.
Payment plans
Offer client installment plans while getting paid upfront. Automated drafting. Instant approvals.
Scheduled payments
Set up one-time or recurring credit card payments. Store client card info to run automatically.
QR code scanning
Print QR codes to display at your front desk. Scan using a smartphone camera to access and pay invoices.
Generate invoices instantly. Send via text or email. Let clients pay in 1-click.
Time tracking
Track time across clients. Sync hours with invoices. Get reminders for common tasks.
Quick billing
Auto-populate invoices with client details and payment amounts. Get paid even faster.
Get reports on transactions, deposits, trust accounts, accounts receivable, and productivity.
Integrate with QuickBooks, MyCase, CASEpeer, Docketwise, and 60+ more.
Let clients pay online through invoices, payment portals, and payment webpages. Accept in-office payments with scannable QR codes. Set up scheduled payments using stored payment methods.
Let clients pay retainers and other invoices in a few clicks. Automatically separate unearned and earned fees anytime you run a transaction. Protect IOLTA accounts and client details with multi-factor authentication and encryption.
Add payment buttons to your website. Let clients apply for payment financing, with automated approvals. Take card payments directly into your trust account or operating account. Fully IOLTA compliant.
Build payment pages in different languages, branded with your immigration firm's logos, business information, and unique messaging. Attach them to emails, signatures, invoices, or your website. Accept every major credit card and eCheck payment types.
Get custom-built payment processing solutions, or build your own with our easy-to-use open API. Add unlimited users. Get unlimited trust account support. Easily accept international payments. Upload invoices in bulk.